Splendid: okay okay.what do you say guys for a luna park? Lifty and lumpy go to get flippy and splendid from they homes to go a walk.so where they go.what surprises waiting lifty? Lumpy:yay!do you have problem to get with us and flippy and splendid? Lifty:for now i stay here in your home,i don't know what else i do Lumpy: okay.what you should do now without him and far away from your home? Lifty: please lumpy.okay i tell you but when i be ready Lumpy.why you don't tell me what's wrong with your bro? Lifty: okay you right.but we fight for something very bad,and maybe it's my fault. Lumpy:but it's your brother,whatever happened you should find,you can't be angry forever Lifty:*comes in*yeah we fight for something,and he told me to leave Lumpy:yeah ofcourse come in.but what's wrong with you nd shifty? you fight? Lifty:well i am alone please can i stay in your home for some days? Lumpy:hey i see suitcase!you are alone where he si shifty? Lumpy:*open the door* oooh lifty,hi what's up well lifty goes to stay in lumpys's home.Shifty:what do you mean?! that I did it purposely?! i told you i was drunk,i don't knew what i was doing,i ask you again.if you undrestand what i was gonna do why you don't prevented me? do you answer to me? Lifty:you don't need me?! ofcourse,you fuck me you take your fun!and now you don't need me,and you call me gaaay!!! Shifty:!!!.wait LIFTYYY nooo i don't mean that!! Lifty: OKAAY!! I'M GONNA LEAVE! *go to prepare his things* Lifty:WHAAAAT!!! YOU SAY TO LEAVE FROM OUR HOUSE!!! Lifty:YEAH YEAH I HATE YOU,WHAT DO YOU THIKING HAPPENTS AFTER FROM THAT?WE GONNA BE A COUPLE! Shifty!WHAAAT DID YOU SAID!?! YOU HATE ME!

Lifty:SHUT UP!!!I DON'T LIKE IT!I AM NOT WEAKNESSES AND I DON'T LOVE YOU,I HATE YOU!!! Shifty:you are not so It is unfair!.OH MY GOD I MAKE SEX WITH MY TWIN BROTHER AND HE LOVES ME! Shifty:AAHAAA!if you remember what's wrong.w-why you let me to do that to you?!? Lifty:sooo.i was not drunk so much,i remember good what's wrong Shifty:WHAAAT!? MY FAULT?! YEAH BUT YOU GET DRUNK TOO! Lifty:IT'S YOUR FAULT,IF YOU DON'T GET DRUNK THAT WILL NOT HAPPENTS! Lifty:last night go in bar,we drunk and when come home we. Shifty:EEEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!! *jumps out of bed* what's going on? Shifty and lifty go to a bar to have fun,shifty and lifty drank a lot,they got drunk,when come back home shifty making love to lifty.